About the restless explorer

Starting out with travelling through Canada and the USA, I got my first addiction for travel when doing a French exchange program during university at the Université de Montréal with the Explore program. Following that I was hit with the travel bug and have learned Spanish, been to Europe, across the USA, Latin America and Asia.
My website focuses on publishing travel experiences and stories for location's I have been where you can read about experiences and the vibes. There are reviews of tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels along with entertaining travel stories and travel tips. I try to write my travel experiences in story format, providing a more authentic review. If the people in a city an the vibes are the highlight, my blog will mostly focus on this. If the highlight of the location is the attractions, my travel experience blogs will focus on these. Hopefully after reading my experiences, stories and reviews you will get a better understanding if you would like to travel there and get some ideas of things to do, places to see and stay. The goal is to be a hub of different locations where you can read about different locations you are considering to travel to and get a bigger picture of what to expect. My blog posts are all organized by location.
I also have a travel tip page which will continue to grow.
When travelling, I like to travel as an adventurer and a backpacker... who brings a suitcase. I never want to stay in one place for too long, and get bored if I'm not keeping busy and interacting with others, hence the name the restless explorer. My favorite part of travelling is meeting the locals and experiencing the local culture, along with the beaches.
Please share any comments or ask any questions in the comments section of the blog posts or feel free to contact me directly on the contact page.
And always remember "Viajar es vivir" (to travel is to live).
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